
Showing posts from May, 2022

Week 5

  The rules of attraction. In class this week we talked about that goes through our mind when we find someone attractive. A very interesting topic that, yet again, I have never thought of. We talked about the things that are obvious first such as physical attractiveness, opposites attract, has similar genes to your mother or father, like you, there personality, and their financial stability is what we normally find attractive in someone that we are looking for. These are very common to go through our mind when we are first attracted to someone. Our mind tends to go through filters when finding someone attractive. Such as physical attractiveness, and personality etc. There are a few filters that we do or use that we don’t even realize. Without knowing it we tend to be more attracted to people that live close to us, we don’t tend to go and find someone we usually look for people that are closer to us. This totally makes sense to me, our relationship with someone would be much more ...

week 4

  Hello everyone,   This week I was able to learn more and dive deep into the tendences that Male and Females have naturally. I was very engaged on this topic because, like most things in this class, I have never thought about it. Males have a few tendences that females do not. Males tender to be more aggressive, better with navigation, are more object focused, more competitive, and a lot more physically aggressive. Females tend to have tendencies that complement the male tendencies. A few female tendencies are more care giving, nurturing, they are more detail oriented, have better communication, more people focused, relationship orientated, and they tend to have more verbal aggression rather than physical aggression.   These Tendences are naturally fixed to a male or female. The males tendences tend to come out when trying to protect their loved ones, if their family is being threaded. There have been many stories of when someone is to attack a man's wife or kids, h...

Week 3

This week was a very interesting topic. We talked about Family relations when family members travel from country to country.  I have personally never thought about this before. I’ve noticed a lot in this class. This class has helped open my mind to the topic of families and how we all go through different family trails in our life. This week I couldn’t relate personally but I was able to try and Imagin the struggle that it would have been. We had read a story prior to class to help us get an idea of what a family goes though when a family wants to come to America and what it takes for them to do so.    We started off with looking at a family that wants to come to America. The Father is working a job that he is very skilled at and his making good money to help support his family. The Mother was a stay-at-home mom taking care of her 2 children, that was her job. They had the desire to come to America so that their children could go to better schools and have a better futur...

Week 2

During this week I was thinking a lot about the rules and roles that families have. The rules that each member of the family has. Either the mom or the dad is typically more in charge. For me it was my dad. My parents divorced when I was very young, so I have spent my whole life looking up to my dad. He was and still is the person/parent that I go to first for help, he is an example to me of what I want to become. His role as a dad though is to teach me and my siblings right and wrong, to teach us how to live. It's interesting though because everyone is taught differently. A few of the different things were simple like how to wash the dishes, or how the cleaning goes on in the house, and even some unspoken rules that each family has. I’ll explain more on that later.   Each family has a different set of rules as well. For example, growing up after we ate dinner or any meal together, we had to clean up right away, before we did anything else. I have noticed that in different families...

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