week 4

 Hello everyone, 

This week I was able to learn more and dive deep into the tendences that Male and Females have naturally. I was very engaged on this topic because, like most things in this class, I have never thought about it. Males have a few tendences that females do not. Males tender to be more aggressive, better with navigation, are more object focused, more competitive, and a lot more physically aggressive. Females tend to have tendencies that complement the male tendencies. A few female tendencies are more care giving, nurturing, they are more detail oriented, have better communication, more people focused, relationship orientated, and they tend to have more verbal aggression rather than physical aggression.  

These Tendences are naturally fixed to a male or female. The males tendences tend to come out when trying to protect their loved ones, if their family is being threaded. There have been many stories of when someone is to attack a man's wife or kids, he has a rush of speed or strength to get them out of the situation. It’s a protective tendence that tends to happen with males. Due to their natural tendences. Females are more nurturing especially when it comes to their children, like the saying “you don’t want to mess with momma bear”. This is a natural tendence that females and especially mothers have. When a male and female or husband and wife are together their natural tendencies complement each other. It helps their relationship to come closer and helps them be as one.  

We also talked about how sometimes male and females with have treats of the opposite sex. This is natural as well but less common. Although the roles change a male and female with the opposite Traits still tend to complete each other. This is amazing to me; a man and a woman are so perfect for each other. It is truly amazing how God has a plan for everyone. He made men and woman. God said that it is not good for man to alone. I like how this class can tie into the gospel, its truly amazing. We also talked about the effects that parents have on their children depending on how they are raised. I think that puts a lot on a parent. The fact that your child will grow up based off what you teach them. That’s scary to think about, you’re to blame for their actions for part of their life. I think personally that I was raised good, I am a bit like my dad. The more I hang out with him the more I realize that I am like him in many ways. It's amazing what a big effect my dad has on me, that I'm able to see myself in him. 

God has really has a plan for each one of us. He was able to give us different Traits to help our family. He knows us individually and he knows what we need to have to start and have a successful family here on earth. He was able to allow men and women to complete each other, to be able to make a child that they love. So that they will be able to have the same opportunity that we have had to grow. I hope that everyone reading this was able to learn something. I am just putting my thoughts and what I've learned on here, with the hope that you'll learn something too. Thank you for taking the time to read this, it really means a lot to me. I hope you have a good week. 


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