Week 11

 Today in class we were able to talk about parenting. Our goals as parents should be not to only have our kids survive but to want them to thrive. Of course, in class we talked about a few things I did not think about. We talked about how it affects the child when someone else watches them more than you. When you have a Nany or someone watching your kids, they tend to get more attached to the Nany, that’s who they spend all their time with and that’s who they trust. We are encouraged as parents to spend as much time with our children as we can, they look up to us for the first few years of their lives, we are technically their world. When they are first born their brains are so mold able, what we do and don’t do can affect how they live and grow up. We also talked a lot about children that tend to be more attention seekers due to the lack of affection in their home. My teacher was able to share a story about this kid in his church back home. There was this kid that would always yell and bother them, being loud and annoying; one day this kid had kind of attacked my teacher by jumping on his head when he got to church. My teacher's first response was to throw the kid off his head, the kid hit the ground and ran away. My teacher felt super bad after doing this, the next time he saw he made it an effort to say he was sorry and to show him so attention. He started doing this more and more every time he saw him, the kid loved all the attention that he was getting. A few weeks later the kid's parents came up to my teacher and was able to tell him how much better her son was doing in classes, they weren't acting out and at home they weren't messing with her siblings, they were able to calm down when they received more and more attention. In this story we can see the importance that attention is for a child, they all need a certain amount. Just as we do our children need to receive contact as well. We were also able to talk a little bit about the way our children should feel when they are around us, they should feel protected. The feeling of being safe a comforted around someone is very important, knowing that they will be there for you when you need it most. Being there for someone is a great way to show them that you are loving and care, which are signs of protection. I feel like I am a very protective person myself, I think of the ways that I can show people that I am a protective person is by showing them that I care, showing them that they are important to you is very important because it is also very important that trust you can a feel loved. Overall, during class this week, I was able to learn the importance of being there for your child, showing them the ropes of life being there for them through thick and thin. Showing our love to your children is very important, we should strive to be there for our children, showing our love and protection can help them grow and become great people. I hope that you can learn sometime from my blog this week, understanding the importance of being a parent and the reasonability's are involved. Thank you for reading.  


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